Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kurt Cobain Death =(

To: Chief Gil Kerlikowske (Seattle Police Department)
KURT COBAIN'S MURDER THEORY Electrician Gary Smith arrived at Kurt Cobain's luxurious home on April 8th, 1994 at approximently 8:30 am to install security lighting. What he would discover would change the history of rock forever , he had discovered the body of 27 year old Kurt Cobain. With Kurt a note was found it discribed how he was riding the wave of sucess and dealing with alot of the pressure a difficulties that go along with that. Investigators would declair it a suicide, single gun blast wound to the head. Many others have different ideas, Tom Grant for example. Tom (Private Ivestigator) was hired by Cobain's former wife, Courtney Love, to locate her husband's whereabouts after he had excaped from the Exodus Rehabilitation a few days earlier. Tom is conveinced that Courtney hired him just so it would look as if she was doing eveything in her power to locate her missing husband. Although the police reports clearly indicate that she knew that he was back in Seattle the whole time. When asked to particapate in the Search of her husband she replied " No I cant I have buisness to take care of in L.A." Rose Mary Caroll, the Cobain's entertainment attourney, Stated that Courtney had no buisness in L.A. and that she has some crucial imformation, but would not be releast until the Cobain case is reopened. She also stated to Tom Grant a very important evidential clue, "Kurt was'nt Suicidal Tom, He was'nt suicidal." Courtney Love is Tom Grant's main suspect, Her father another firm beliver that his son-in-law was murdered, told Nick Broomfield, creator of the movie Kurt And Courtney, That Courtney had a record of being very violent. She was told to have stabbed a girl because she didnt like her looks. Another main suspect in "Cali" aka Micheal Dewitt, The male nanny who was living at the Cobain residence at this time. He was said to hae been in the house when Kurt "shot himself". How could He not know anything about Kurt's being there, after he clearly told the police that he had spoken to Kurt on April 2nd, 1994? Dylan Carson, Kurt's Bestfriend, bought Kurt the gun he supposedly "shot himself" with. Why would he Kurt's Bestfriend by Kurt a gun knowing the fact that he was suicidal? Because like all of the rest of the people Kurt knew (besides Courtney) Did not think of him as suicidal at this point. But that still doesnt explain the fact that when, Tom and Dylan proceeded to check the Cobain house, Grant had asked if the house had another story. Dylan's reply was that is has and attic but fail to mention the greenhouse that Courtney had specificly told him to check. On their way back to L.A., Dylan stopped at a gas station to Call Courtney, when he returned an announcement came over the radio that Kurt Cobain's body was found in the greenhouse of his Seattle home. Dylan had "no reaction". Grasnt then proceeded to ask why they had not checked the greenhouse, Dylan's reply " It was a dirty little room where Kurt and Courtney kept lumber or something". (keep in mind this was not a little room it was a room where Kurt had music rehearsals) and a few weeks later he told Seattle Times that he "didnt know it existed". I have reason to believe that Dylan had nothing to do with Kurt's Murder. Why would he murder his bestfriend and he also told Tom that Kurt " defenitly wasnt suicidal or I never would have bought the gun. He was my bestfriend. I would have known if rome was a suicide attempt. No Way. A year ago I would have believed it but he wasnt talking like that anymore. He was making all kinds of plans for when he got back from rehab". So why would he make this statement if he killed him, wouldnt he want us to think Kurt was suicidal ? Courtney on the other hand has us to believe that Kurt was extreamly Suicidal at this point. There are several points in which there was no possible way for Kurt's death to be a suicide. First of all there was a level of 1.52 milliliter of Heroin per liter of blood, heroin turns to morphine once it enters the body that combined with, the valiume found in Kurt's blood level for a great pecentage of people, including addics, this would have induced a state of uncontiousness quite quickly in seconds not even minutes. The authors of the book "Who Killed Kurt Cobain?" talked to atleast 8 different users of the drug, who all said that it is definatley impossible. "Anyone who thinks you can shoot that much, and still survive has obviously never shoot smack before", said one user. If Kurt had that much morphine in his system he would not have been enough time to shoot up, roll down his sleeves, button them put away all his herion paraphernalia neatly in a cigar box (that was found 3 feet to the right of him filled with syringes, burnt spoons and what look to be little pieces of black tar), pick up a 20 gauge remington rifle , put it to his head and pull the trigger. This would lead me to my next point there were no fingerprints on the gun, the box of shot gun catriges or the pen use to write the "suicide note". This would mean that Kurt must have wiped off the gun after he had shot himself How is this possible? It's not, whom ever shot Kurt tried to wipe of the gun and place it on his chest to make it look like suicide. The most important clue is that there was no "mess" from the gun penitraiting the head, all there was, was a trickle of blood comming from his right ear, his face was still fully intact. The only way this is possible is if his heart had already stopped, isnt it kind of akward that someone can shoot themself after they are already dead? The (suicide) note I mentioned in the first paragraph was not a suicicde note at all. I have read it over and over again and the more I read it the more it beggins to look like a note to leave Nirvana rather than commiting suicide. To anyone reading the last four lines, yes it would look like a suicide note. But actually in 1997 the highly respected for solving myserious deaths hit T.V. series Unsolved Mysteries, aired a show about "The Death Of Kurt Cobain", they hired to of the world's leading handwritting analysts to independently analyze the so called" suicide note" The first analysts revealed that the last four lines were written by someone else. The second analysts came to the same conclusion and that also the word "Boddah" had been added. Unfourtunatly the case has already been declaired a suicide. Sergeant Camron has said that if he sees any "major eviedence" he would be happy to reopen the case, So with Nick Broomfield's camara crew, The authors of the book "Who Killed Kurt Cobain?" Headed up to Seattle to give this "major eveidence" to Camron. When they arrived they could see Camron sitting at his cubical looking very "unoccupied". They then told the reseptionist who they were and that they had some important imformation for Sergeant Camron, She went to deliver the news. Minutes later another detective appeared and told them that Camron was busy. They then told him that they had come 3,000 miles to deliver new eveidence in the Kurt Cobain case and just needed a few minutes of his time, "That case is closed" replied the officer "now leave!" They explained that Camron told them he would reopen the case if he saw any credible eveidence. "I told you to get out" he responded angrily, he then threatened to arrest them if they didnt leave. They hastily complied. They later viewed the film the had taken, Camron could clearly be seen peeking out from behind his cubical. Three weeks before Kurt died, a call to the Seattle Police was made by Courtney Love, she said her husband had locked himself in the greenhouse, had 3 guns with him and was suicidal. The Police arrived at the scene where they spoke with Kurt first, who said he was not suicidal and he was " hidding from Courtney", They then talk to Courtney who agreed that Kurt was not suicidal, Now on normal circumstances this would be an illeagal offense, but this is Courtney Love we're talking about here! Three days before Kurt died he was riding in a cab (because all 4 of his tires on his car had been slit this was not investigated either) ,while upon his conversation with the cab driver he asked the cab driver if he had " ever been threatened" and then told him he "feared for his life". But who wouldnt? Everyone who is a threat to Courtney ends up dead. Kristen Palff , bassist of Courtney's band hole, was found dead in a half empty bathtub in her Capitol Hill apartment, of an appearent herion overdose. This might not seem significant now but there is more. Kristen decided to leave Hole and the drug infested Seattle scene , and to start hanging around more "positive" people. She attended drug rehabilitation, she had got her act together. She was to go back to Minniapolis and join her old band Janitor Joe for an East coast tour. The night she was to leave she packed up the her belongings except the things she had accumulated while living in Seattle. Her ex band mate had phoned her that evening he said " she sounded more chipper and happy than ever before, she was really excited to get back to Minniapolis". There is no way she would have over doesed the night before she was to leave. According to one investigator she"knew alot about what happened to Kurt the night he died". Another person who had a run in with Courtney was El Duce AKA Eldon Hoke. He claimed that Courtney had offered him $50,000 to kill Kurt approximently 4 months before he died. He passed a polygraph test on this assertion. Two weeks after he revealed this to Nick Broomfield, he was found dead mysteriously hit by a train. The death of Kurt Cobain was decleared an open and shut case of suicide by Seattle's medical examiner Dr. Nicholas Hartshorne, who's ruling was excepted by the Seattle Police Department before any investigation was conducted. But in fact Hartshorne has a clearly demonstrated potentail coflict of intrest as a good friend og Cobain's wife, Courtney Love. In normal circumstances the spouse is often the first prime suspect of a mysterious death. But because of this potential conflict of intrest the investigation may (or may not) have been comprimised Another fact is that in 1996 one of Seattle's detectives was gunned down on a highway coming home from work, he suffered a massive gunblast wound to the head. this might not be a significant fact but is'nt kind of akward that the only Police Detective to die in the history of nine years of the Seattle Police Dept. was the detective of the Kurt Cobain case? There has been a trail of copycat suicides from kids all over the world. They kill themselves because thats what they think there Idol did. Two girls in France killed themselves with a shot gun the day they heard the news they left a note saying that they loved Kurt and couldnt live without him. The next was four teens in Canada they all drove to a storage locker and slowley inhaled the fumes of the car exhust, taking there last breaths they listened to the screaming lyrics of a man who once was a musical genius. Two more teens killed themselves that day by jumping off of a bridge, in there Walkmans Nirvana cassettes were found. Another boy in america took his fathers simi-automatic pistol to shcool ,stood in the doorway of his 3rd grade classroom, lifted the gun to his head and pulled the trigger. The next was a very disturbing death. A boy named Bobby Steel was left at home one weekend while his parent went to vistit his Grandmother. Bobby was hanging out with some friends that weekend. They were discussing the Suicides that had taken place recently. Bobby stood up and said " well I guess I am gonna go home now and blow my brains out", Bobby's friends thought he was kidding. Bobby went home, retreived his fathers shootgun out of the top of his closet, took a polaroid of himself turned on his favorite Nirvana song "Endless Nameless" set up his video camera, lifted the gun up to his head and slowley, said"look at me I am deaf" pulled the trigger. Another teen went home after Kurt's Vigil and shot himself in the head. Who killed Kurt Cobain we may never know. I do know that if Kurt wasnt murdered , Courtney drove him to murdering himself. Courntey owes it to the 68 families who lost their children due to suicide, due to the "suicide" of thier rock icon. And to the millions of grieving fan who suffer acute deppression over the death of their hero, but most of all she owes it to an 8 year old girl named Frances Bean who someday hear the ugly stories and deserves to know how her father really died.
The Undersigned

This Is Something Different For Me To Read!

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